Welcome to:
Secret Gaythering

Merry Christmas


Happy Picklemas!

Hello, Friends! This year I wanted to make you all a very special gift that will hopefully last a lifetime. So, as the group historian, it was only natural that I decided that we needed a way better place than our old phones and instagram accounts to preserve these special times we have had together over the years.

Whether we have known each other since childhood, or only the last few years, there’s just something special about the bond we have created. There is always trust, good intentions, and love radiating from the friendship we have created. I truly think finding your people and making life fun and joyful is what we are meant to be doing on this earth.

I really hope that you all enjoy this gift and i’ll do my very best to upkeep this site until the day I die. If ghosts are able to operate computers then i’ll do it from the afterlife, too.

I love you all in a big oooey gooey way that’s pretty disgusting to be honest.

-Lindsey J. , Historian